
Perú Kagoshima Kenjinkai

ペルー鹿児島県人会は2016年には創立100周年をふるさと鹿児島県や海外移住家族会からのご臨席をいただき、1986年の80周年、1996年の90周年に引き続き盛大にお祝いすることができました。 この度、鹿児島県人世界大会へお招きに預かり、世界にいらっしゃる鹿児島ゆかりの方々とお会いできることを楽しみにしております。 この機会にペルー鹿児島県人会について簡単にご紹介いたします。


1908−1923年 鹿児島県から労働者として747名がペルー渡航 1916年 2月7日 鹿児島県人会創設
1924 -1939年 家族呼び寄せや渡航募集に鹿児島から1550名来ペルー
1940-1950年代 太平洋戦争の影響で県人会活動記録消失
1952年 市来金太郎氏が鹿児島県人会活動再興
1968年 金丸三郎鹿児島県知事(当時)が、県知事として初めてペルー訪問
1979年 鹿児島県がペルー在住県出身者へ奨学金制度を開設
1986年 県人会創設80周年記念式典開催
1994年 ゲートボール世界大会(於鹿児島)へ参加
1996年 創設90周年記念式典開催
2016年 創設100周年記念式典開催
2017年 ブラジル鹿児島県人会と交流開始 In Peru between the years 1908 and 1923, 747 people from Kagoshima arrived with an employment contract. The contracts were for 4 years, mostly to work in the farmlands. At the end of the contract, they went to the city to settle down and start a business. Later between the years 1924 and 1939, 1550 arrived by call or yobiyose. The Peru Association Kagoshima Kenjinkai was founded on February 7, 1916, its first President has been Mr. Yanosuke Suenaga. The Kenjinkai also had Messrs. Minosuke Yoshimoto and Kintaro Ichiki as great Kagoshima leaders. About the early years of Kenjinkai, much of the information was deliberately erased between the 1940s and 1950s, due to political and racial persecution of the Japanese in Peru by the Second World War. Many Japanese families were affected by the looting of their businesses, starting over or returning to Japan.


In 1952, Mr. Kintaro Ichiki restarted the activities of the Kenjinkai. The first years of reopening were difficult because of the country’s economic and social situation. Among the various trades learned by immigrants from Kagoshima, the most outstanding was the Bakery, where the following families stood out: Nagatome, Maeda, Hiramine, Uyehara, Shironoshita, Fukumoto, Ishida, Kitazono, Matsuda, Ueno, Nishimata and Wakabayashi. They also dedicated to: watchmaking, carpentry, hairdressing, milk stables, farms, restaurants, etc. Mr. Masao Kozono, worked hard to start relations with Kagoshima Prefecture. In 1968, the Governor of Kagoshima, Mr. Saburo Kanemaru, visited us for the first time. In 1979, the Prefecture of Kagoshima granted for the first time a scholarship to Peru for descendants. Now, we have 28 young people benefited with the Ryugaku scholarship and 9 with the Kenshu scholarship.

100years Anniversary



